Beatsource and Beatport are built on the same technology but have different websites and catalogs. So which one is best for you? Beatport vs Beatsource?
Renowned DJ school Crossfader has provided a detailed breakdown of each service to help you decide.
More and more DJs are now converting to streaming services to source their music. Without a doubt, two of the most popular services are Beatport LINK and Beatsource LINK. As the name suggests, the two platforms are very similar, leading many DJs to wonder which platform is right for them. In this video, we’re going to look at both services to help make that decision easier.
Watch the video above about Beatport vs Beatsource.
Also read Explore the Beatsource Library With Beatsource DJ.
Beatsource is the music streaming service for DJs who play everything.
Tags: Beatport Crossfader